Deer Creek Fire Protection District EMS Transport Service Timeline

For at least 30 years, EMSA has provided ambulance services to the Deer Creek Fire Protection District
community, without contract or payment.

April 24, 2023 – The City of Edmond put out an RFP for a new ambulance service.
• June 15, 2023 – Deer Creek and Oak Cliff met with Michael Parrish, Director of Operations for
the Western Division of EMSA. Parrish assured Deer Creek and Oak Cliff would be covered
regardless of what Edmond decides to do for an ambulance service.
• August 14, 2023 – The City of Edmond awards the RFP to AMR.
• August 21, 2023 – Deer Creek emails EMSA asking if they could cover the entire District and is
told EMSA is “awaiting more information from Edmond regarding transition and what that is
going to look like. I hesitate to answer the question….before getting more details from Edmond
and AMR.”
• September 19, 2023 – Deer Creek is notified by EMSA (Parrish) email that, “we anticipate
transitioning out of the Edmond response area by the end of the 2023 calendar year, during that
time Deer Creek will also need to work towards finding a primary EMS coverage solution for your
• September 20, 2023 – Deer Creek and Oak Cliff met to discuss options for EMS service.
• September 20, 2023 – Deer Creek and Oak Cliff met with Edmond FD administration and AMR to
explain that EMSA had just notified they were terminating service in the Deer Creek and Oak
Cliff areas. Deer Creek and Oak Cliff also began the discussion with AMR about responding in the
Deer Creek and Oak Cliff areas if a supplement were paid for extra staffing in Edmond during
peak times for Deer Creek and Oak Cliff.
• September 26, 2023 – Deer Creek and Oak Cliff met with Commissioner Davidson (Oklahoma
County District 3) and Commissioner Sharpton (Logan County District 1) to discuss options for
EMS coverage. Commissioner Davidson voiced he would do his best to fund the supplement to
have AMR cover both Districts until legislation can be achieved for a long-term solution.
• October 10, 2023 (0809 hrs) – Deer Creek emailed EMSA requesting they determine a cost to
supplement them to continue service using the same information given to AMR.
• October 10, 2023 (1410hrs) – EMSA (Parrish) replied to the email, unwilling to provide a
supplemental cost to continue services and resent the same end of service language as on
September 19, 2023.
• October 11, 2023 – Deer Creek and Oak Cliff met with AMR, Miller EMS, Pafford EMS, and
Guthrie EMS to explain the situation and ensure good relations for mutual aid purposes.
• November 2, 2023 – Deer Creek and Oak Cliff went to Berryhill FPD to meet and discuss
legislation for a long-term EMS solution for Title 19 Fire Protection Districts.
• November 13, 2023 – Deer Creek asked EMSA if they would change their end of service to
match Edmond’s transition to AMR via email.
• November 15, 2023 (1436 hrs) – EMSA (Parrish) reply, “EMSA is still planning on providing EMS
coverage for Deer Creek and Oak Cliff through the end of the year.”

• November 15, 2023 (1453 hrs) – Replied to EMSA’s email informing them that Edmond’s
transition to AMR might not happen until January 16.
• November 15, 2023 (1457 hrs) – EMSA (Johna Easly, President & CEO) reply, “We are working on
a transition date with Edmond, we do not anticipate being there through the 16 th .”
• November 20, 2023 – EMSA (Parrish) reply, “our plan is still to transition out of Deer Creek and
Oak Cliff December 31 st at 2359 hours.”
• November 30, 2023 – Deer Creek and Oak Cliff went to the capital to meet with legislators about
Title 19 Fire Protection District EMS legislation. Senator Thompson will author the bill on the
Senate side and Representative Miller will author the bill on the House side.
• December 8, 2023 – Commissioner Davidson’s office receives the proposal from AMR. The
proposal is for one dedicated ambulance to be split between Deer Creek and Oak Cliff. The
proposed cost is $585,000.00.
• December 11, 2023 (1204 hrs) – Deer Creek emailed AMR asking clarification as to when their
proposal changed from subsidizing Edmond/AMR staffing to dedicating an ambulance.
• December 11, 2023 (1512 hrs) – AMR (Sonny Geary, VP of Operations, South Region) replied,
“After our initial meeting at Edmond Fire HQ [Sept. 20], Edmond did not want their resources
utilized as primary means of coverage for Deer Creek and Oak Cliff. AMR could provide the State
required mutual aid as needed. They didn’t want a blended business unit, preferred a definitive
split of resources.”
• December 11, 2023 – Edmond City Council approves the AMR contract.
• December 13, 2023 – Deer Creek and Oak Cliff met with Commissioner Davidson, OCSO, and
AMR to discuss options for coverage that are more affordable. It was decided that another
meeting including Edmond Fire administration will be necessary.
• December 14, 2023 – Deer Creek and Oak Cliff met with other Title 19 Fire Protection Districts
to discuss and fine tune the proposed legislation.
• December 31, 2023 – at 2359 hours, EMSA ends service to Deer Creek and Oak Cliff.
• January 9, 2024 – Edmond transitions to AMR

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